The harmony of German songs has sounded in the Puget Sound area for a long time. Already in 1884, years before the famous Seattle fire, a German Singing Society was in existence.
On October 13, 1910 our Verein Arion was founded and German songs were heard at rehearsals from the Arion Hall in the Pioneer Building. In 1926 the "Arion Verein" merged with the Seattle Liedertafel, which originated in 1892.
The name "Arion" was taken from the Greek mythology. Arion was a Greek poet and player of the lyre in the seventh century B.C.
"The Gesangverein Arion (German Singing Society)" is a member of the North Pacific Sängerbund which was founded in July 1901 in Seattle. The first North Pacific Song Festival was held 1902 in Seattle with guest choirs from Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Bellingham and Everett. Together, thirty six Song Festivals were held in different cities of the Pacific Northwest. Seven of these were hosted by the "Gesangverein Arion" (a mixed choir) in Seattle.
We are a close-knit singing group and it is our desire to uphold the German word and song for us and those who will follow.
Weekly practice every Monday at 7:00pm with Music Director Robert Schilperoort.
Gesangverein Arion sponsors two concerts a year; one in Spring and one in Fall, has a picnic during Summer and makes at least one trip annually to sing as a guest choir in other places.
In June 2001 we participated in the 34th Song Festival of the Pacific
Northwest in Victoria BC, in June 2003 in the 35th Song Festival of the
Pacific North West in Kelowna BC, in 2005 in the 36th Song Festival in Portland OR,
in 2007 in the 37th Song Festival in
Vancouver, B.C., in 2010 in the 38th Song Festival in Nanaimo, B.C., in 2012 in the 39th Song Festival in Vancouver, B.C.,
in 2015
in the 40th Song Festival in Vancouver, B.C., in 2017 in the 41st Song Festival in Kelowna, B.C., and in 2020 we will participate in the 42nd Song Festival in Vancouver-Richmond, B.C,.
Come and join us, we are looking for singers in all voices, and you do not have to be German.
For more information please call:
Gabriele Pitts, President at 425-881-6386, email gabigesang@comcast.net