Plattdüütsche Vereen
Seattle, WA
Since 1907

Moin Moin, Jungs un Deerns
Welcome "boys and girls!"
The Plattdeutsche Verein of Seattle, celebrated their 100th anniversary in
September 2007. It's the members' roots in the 'Old Country' that keeps this
club together.
An ever-changing program provides fun and entertainment for all members and
their guests. Our meetings are typically conducted in English, but quite often
we fall into our native language and even some 'plattdeutsch' on occasion, but
we all laugh in the same language.
Once a month the members of the German club come together in the German House in
Seattle for a meeting to discuss and plan current and future events followed by
a homemade dinner, music and some dancing and singing. A good time is had by
all, and many of our members belong to the club for a long time.
During the year we organize several dances in our non-smoking ballroom.
Well-known local bands make your dancing on our wooden floor a real pleasure.
Our New Year's Eve Gala Ball is usually sold out well before the event,
reservations are a must.
Though we are a German club, guests of all nationalities are always welcome!
| President: |
Klaus Dittmann | 206-972-6884 | |
| Vice President: |
Friedrich Krueger |
425-486-8919 | |
| Treasurer: |
Gabriele Pitts | 206-714-3528 | |
| Secretary: |
Sonja Gardner | 425-486-8919 | |

Our Meetings
Are typically held every second Sunday of the month at 1pm at the German House
in Seattle (see Calendar)

Our Dances: